Charles Luck of Surbiton, the architect, the man


This is a PowerPoint presentation with notes of a talk entitled “Charles Lock Luck of Surbiton. The architect & the man”  that  was given at a meeting of the Kingston upon Thames Society held in the Judge Theatre of Tiffin School on 17 November 2021.  It is based on a paper “Charles Lock Luck, 1833-1890, a Surbiton architect”, 1 March 2021, on the website, The presentation includes later research which was possible after the easing of Covid-19 lockdown measures and it addresses some of the points made during the discussion after the talk.

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The Author

David A. Kennedy, PhD

About 20 years ago, I accompanied my late wife to some talks on the use of computers in historical research and began to help her with her genealogical studies. Later, I took part in a project, organised by the Centre for Local History Studies at Kingston University, to digitise the Enumerators’ Books for the Kingston Census of 1851-1891. This rekindled my interest in history, especially that of Kingston upon Thames, where I live. This website has been set up so that I can share my research findings, some based on digitised material, with others who may be interested in them.

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