
Charles Lock Luck an architect, born in 1833 at the Paragon, Blackheath, lived in Surbiton from 1860-1890. His works included nine churches, including Christ Church, Surbiton, St. Matthew’s, Surbiton, St. Paul’s, Kingston Hill, the enlargement of St. Peter’s, Norbiton, two churches on the Isle of Wight and two in Kent.  He was also the architect of the Kingston Workhouse Infirmary [currently Regent Wing of Kingston Hospital], two schools in Kingston and the initial phase of Ridley Hall theological college in Cambridge.  The costs of some of his projects  and the building contractors are stated. When not engaged in his busy architectural practice, Charles Luck led an interesting and very full life of public service, which included support of Christ Church, involvement with the local temperance movement and membership of the Surbiton Improvement Commission. He died in 1890 and was buried in St. Mark’s churchyard, Surbiton.  This paper is presented as work in progress.

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The Author

David A. Kennedy, PhD

About 20 years ago, I accompanied my late wife to some talks on the use of computers in historical research and began to help her with her genealogical studies. Later, I took part in a project, organised by the Centre for Local History Studies at Kingston University, to digitise the Enumerators’ Books for the Kingston Census of 1851-1891. This rekindled my interest in history, especially that of Kingston upon Thames, where I live. This website has been set up so that I can share my research findings, some based on digitised material, with others who may be interested in them.

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