Supporting the Manna Society – The Life and Times of Blessed William Way
A talk to support the Manna Society’s day centre for homeless people near London Bridge
Charles Lock Luck an architect, born in 1833 at the Paragon, Blackheath, lived in Surbiton from 1860-1890. His works included nine churches, including Christ Church, Surbiton, St. Matthew’s, Surbiton, St. Paul’s, Kingston Hill, the enlargement of St. Peter’s, Norbiton, two churches on the Isle of Wight and two in Kent. He was also the architect of the Kingston Workhouse Infirmary [currently Regent Wing of Kingston Hospital], two schools in Kingston and the initial phase of Ridley Hall theological college in Cambridge. The costs of some of his projects and the building contractors are stated. When not engaged in his busy architectural practice, Charles Luck led an interesting and very full life of public service, which included support of Christ Church, involvement with the local temperance movement and membership of the Surbiton Improvement Commission. He died in 1890 and was buried in St. Mark’s churchyard, Surbiton. This paper is presented as work in progress.
A talk to support the Manna Society’s day centre for homeless people near London Bridge
Noel Baddow Pope was born in Toxteth, a sub-district of Liverpool, on Christmas Eve, 1909. He moved with his widowed mother to Surbiton before 1926.
The Stockhouse, otherwise called the Town Gaol or Borough Gaol, in Kingston upon Thames was situated within what is today the Bentall Centre in Clarence Street.
Catherine McAllister, Assistant Matron at Kingston Infirmary, killed in the Irish Mail Disaster, 14 August 1915
Some of the digitised material that I have used has been sourced as follows:
“Find My Past”
The Times Digital Archive, via
19th Century Newspapers, via
The London Gazette
Lloyds’ Register Historic Archive
British Newspaper Archive
Parliamentary Papers, via
The non-digitised material [books, journals, records of Assizes and Quarter Sessions, Council Minutes, etc], has come from many sources including:
The British Library
The National Archives
Surrey History Centre…../surrey-history-centre
Kingston Local History Centre…/visit_kingston_history_centre
Kent History and Library Centre…/kent-history-and-library-centre
Institute of Historical Research, University of London